Emily the Cat Talks About Her Life as a Filmmaker (VIDEO)

Emily, a feline filmmaker, reflects on life and creativity in this lovely, "Meet the Artist" feature. 
The Los Angeles filmmaker,  "tries to tell the stories she enjoys." Much of her recent work has been about break-ups. 

She admits it's hard working as a filmmaker especially when you have such anxieties as paying next month's rent.

"All I really want to do," Emily says, "is to make art.


Inmates at Indiana Prison Help Shelter Cats (VIDEO)

Inmates are caring for homeless cats at a Indiana prison. The new program started at Pendleton prison has benefited both the inmates and felines. The dozen cats are from the no-kill Animal Protection League in Anderson, IN. 

Maleah Stringer, director of the Animal Protection League, said,“I’ve had offenders tell me when they got an animal, it was the first time they can remember they were allowing themselves to care about something, to love something. That’s a pretty powerful statement."

Man Builds Cat Paradise for His 15 Rescue Kitties (VIDEO)

Peter Cohen, a Southern California builder, turned his house into a delightful kitty playground for 15 rescue cats. As reported by houzz.com, the builder constructed catwalks, tunnels, spirals and platforms throughout his home for his beloved felines.

You can read the full story here: Houzz TV: Watch These Rescued Cats Make a House Their Playland.
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